Members Present: Aaron Mann, Chairman PNW, Sherwin O’Bar, Treasurer, Oswald Norton, Isadora Roth, Regional Helper Liaison, Honora, Subud Seattle, Michael DuBois, Skagit Valley and Lydia Tedrow, Secretary.

The minutes from the last meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report: The summary of the income for the first three months was $4795. Expenses were $8353, so expenses exceeded income by $3558. $1523 of that is due to the prepayment in order to reserve Menucha for the 2017 get-together and that will be covered by the fees paid by the folks who come to Menucha. So by the end of the year, that part of the shortfall will be erased. Also, about 600 of the $3558 is due because the Region now has a single property policy for the three houses at each one of the Centers, property and property liability, pays that directly to the insurer and bills the individual centers twice yearly. The insurance year runs from July through June 30th and Sherwin sent the second bill to the centers over the weekend. So the Region is not doing as poorly as it seems although we are running a shortfall. When asked about the shortfall, Sherwin stated Center contributions had not been raised for several years and now the Region is contributing an additional 10% to Subud USA as was agreed to in the February meeting at BSB. That is $130 a month, about $1500 for the year. It’s likely to creep up a little bit as time goes on unless the Centers are asked if it’s possible to increase their contributions by 10%. It will at least cover the additional amount being passed on to Subud USA. READ MORE

April Dewan Meeting Minutes