July 3, 2016 Minutes of Subud PNW at B-SV Meeting (download pdf)
Present: Paul and Nadia Woodcock, Rosalyn Neel, Serena and Michael DuBois, Aliza Albornoz, Marius Hibbard and Robina Page.
Meeting called to order by chair Michael DuBois with a few minutes of quiet.
Minutes of the May meeting were approved by the members, with correction that under Michael’s report: “Michael had doubts about getting the money needed to go to the National Congress.” Under Old Business, House Maintenance, Marius Harold said that although this is a “tear-down house” it could last 5-10 years if we maintain it …” The minutes were voted on and approved as corrected.
Treasurer’s Report: Rosalyn: We have a balance of $7469.53 if all checks clear. Deposited all checks $534.00.
Announcements: Aliza may go to the Gathering of the Americas in Columbia in August. Members visiting Helaine and Rainer. See under helpers report.
Michael’s Report: Michael is taking off Indianapolis Tuesday night, arriving in morning. Interested in anything having to do with youth. Nadia mentioned the plenary sessions; Robina mentioned the testing sessions. Michael brought Seattle’s situation with the B&B up and regularized their tax options.
Helpers Report: Helaine and Rainer. Helaine will not be coming to group latihan due to problems dealing with Rainer. Members/Helpers have been to visit and do latihan. She is getting closer to finding a place for him and has gotten a list of people to come to the house. She would like someone to stay with Rainer so she can go out. Aliza brought up need for end of life options with Helaine such as Neptune Society or People’s Memorial Society.
Old Business: House maintenance: Rosalyn stated with apologies that she hadn’t been able to contact Spenser Roofing and would get to it. She found another bonded and licensed person who she will check into
New Business: House working party: General cleanup over the summer. Getting people’s names to do contractor work.
Michael at Congress: What should he attend? Robina: We need to have centralized records of all Subud houses, plus their insurance, repairs outstanding. If no regional organization, nation should keep those records. [Working Party for this item is planned.] Bylaws change, Lucian Parshal, change “members” to all people. Support this. Proposals given 30 days ahead instead of just a week. Support this. Working party to have better transitions between committees. Should the old chair stay on as a non voting chair emeritus. Look at qualifications of new chairs. We support this.
Upcoming meetings: Michael will share his congress on Sunday, July 17th, tentative Kedjiwaan date on Sunday, August 14th, maybe at Marius’ house. Next business meeting Sunday, September 11th.
Meeting adjourned