January 10, 2018
Members Present: Aaron Mann, Chairman PNW, Sherwin O’Bar, Treasurer, Elizabeth Flanders, Benjamin Boyce, Regional Helper Liaisons, Camille Hofvendahl, Chairperson Subud Portland, Michael DuBois, Skagit Valley, Lydia Tedrow, Recording Secretary.
Minutes of Last Meeting:
The minutes of the last meeting, which had been received by all present, were approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Sherwin reported he had sent the report to the people on his list that morning. In brief summary, he reported:
Revenues: A little over $ 49,000
Expenses: A little under 49,000
End of Year: A little under 500.00
Bank Accounts: A little over $ 106,000
Center Reports:
Camille reported the Portland group is having a meeting on Sunday – they have a circle meeting every other Sunday. After the meeting Marius Harold, Emile Ward and Latham Stack are going to go up and look at what needs to be done to rebuild the attic. Basically, they will have to tear off the roof and rebuild the attic before they can re-roof the building. Camille’s term is up in February so, right now, she is trying to take care of some details for the roof repair before her term ends, like getting bids and arranging for the money. Also, the group can apply for a grant with MSW in June; if there is money and few applicants they may get a grant.
She also reported that Marius is on the committee raising money for people to attend the World Congress and Portland would like to raise a matching fund as a group, like maybe $1,000, but would like to check out the roofing situation before they commit to raising those matching funds.
Camille also stated that Latham has a full time job so he will probably donate some work, if he can. But she felt that Marius, Emile and Edwin, if he works on this, should be paid. They might not be paid their full amount but they should be paid to do the rebuilding. Hiring outside people would be expensive. She and Leanna will be getting bids from roofing contractors.
Honora, Seattle Chair, was absent. No report was given.
Michael reported he was looking forward to the helpers’ meeting on Saturday. The meeting will be occurring at 11 o’clock in the morning and they planned on doing some testing and eating some good food.
Michael reported he had sent out packages promoting the Bird Walk; he even sent one to Canada. He repeated that the Bird Walk, which is coming up on February 17th, is open to everyone, not just Subud folks. He invited everyone to check their posters or contact Roosmiwati at her gmail – that’s Roosmiwati@gmail.com. He repeated the cost is $45 and space is limited so it is a good idea to get registered early.
Helpers Report:
Elizabeth gave the Regional Helper report. The census is finished and turned in. The helpers did not travel this month. They had been in Seattle on the 9th and now the International Helpers were coming to the PNW. Oswald put the agenda together.
The Regional Helper retreat is occurring on February 23rd to 25th. The Helpers will plan their activities through May, which is the end of their time as Regional Helpers. Elizabeth and Oswald will support the new dewan. Except for Elisha Gullixson, the present Regional Helpers all received “No” when they tested about continuing on. Two new Helpers have been identified, Rosalyn Neel started this month. Joharia Toor will probably come on just before May. As to the men, Benjamin tested with David Lynch but, once others have tested in, they will need to test the harmony of the group. Another woman and two other men are need for Regional Helpers so Elizabeth asked the Committee to spread the word.
Regional Latihans:
On November 16th, they had one man and four women.
On December 4th the phones didn’t work but the women got together on personal phones – there were four of them.
On December 21st, there were three women and one man.
On New Year’s Day, there were three women and Elisha did not have anyone to join him but he did latihan for the Region.
Elizabeth stated that the Regional Helpers told people: “If you can’t call in just do latihan anyway and let the RHs know afterwards”. Alexandra will troubleshoot and find out what went wrong with the phone.
Elizabeth also said she knows there are people who do the latihan and don’t call in – they are not counted in unless they email Elizabeth and report it. She is happy about the real little group they have. She further reported it helps that they get together a couple of times a year; it solidifies their harmony. They are grateful they have that opportunity.
Benjamin reported they are doing the Retreat and Menucha was great. They talked.
New Business:
Aaron reported he had already talked to a few people, Michael, Camille, a little, Sherwin, Morris McClelland, who does the books for Portland. Aaron is going to order an audit of all the Regional accounts, including all the Centers in the Region. If there are any questions or comments on that, he would like to hear them. Morris was on board with this.
Michael commented he thought it was a good idea and he was glad to see it was being done. He stated he had talked with Aaron and then delegated his call regarding their books to their center treasurer, Rosalyn Neel, and she, in turn, had delegated that chore to Roosmiwati Reynolds and Paul Woodcock, who have all their records on computers or on disk.
Sherwin wanted to know if there was a rough idea of the cost and if there was there any sort of written agreement behind it. Aaron reported that he had already set a limit on the cost of $500; it will not exceed $500. There will be a contract. Since we are using Quick Books or Quicken, it will be a fairly easy task for the auditor. Aaron stated it sounded simple but, since it is not his area of expertise, he will refer the auditor to Sherwin and to Morris and access of the accounts can be worked out between them. There were no questions.
Aaron brought up the Subud Pacific Northwest display for the World Congress. The committee had talked about each center contributing something from their centers. He asked if any members had talked to their groups about that. Camille said she had not but could bring it up in the circle meeting.
He also mentioned that we have to send eight delegates to the National Congress in May; eight from the Region. They have to be voting delegates. Since it will be in our area, it should be fairly easy. Aaron mentioned we might have to give some financial assistance, registration or something for some people and he asked the committee members to bring up the subject of delegates at their meetings.
Michael asked all members not to forget to register for Skagit Valley’s Bird Walk and said goodbye.
Camille stated that a Regional get-together had not been planned. Aaron said not yet – Michael was no longer on the line so they decided to talk about that later.
Meeting was Adjourned:
There was no new business to bring up. There was no motion to adjourn but the meeting ended and everyone signed off.
Signed by the Recording Secretary, Lydia Tedrow.