February 19, 2017 Regional Dewan Meeting Minutes at B-SV Subud House (pdf)
Board Members Present: Aaron Mann, PNW Chair, Marius Hibbard, Vice Chair, Sherwin O’Bar, Regional Treasurer, Serena DuBois, Recording Secretary, Michael DuBois, Skagit Valley Chair, Honora Hildreth, Seattle Chair, Elizabeth Flanders, Isadora Roth, Benjamin Boyce, Elisha Gullixson, and Oswald Norton, Regional Helpers.
Aaron started the meeting by going around the circle with group introductions.
Lydia and minutes. Falling behind due to her illness. Aaron has recordings of all the meetings, but transcription hasn’t happened. Aaron would like to have a monthly center report in writing. Oswald suggested we put our struggles out to the region so that we can help one another. It was suggested that we use the transcription service that free conference call provides. Groups will send reports to Lydia of what goes on.
Treasurer’s report, will be attached to these minutes. Subud USA budgeted an extra 10% this year and it was moved by Michael and seconded by Sherwin that we contribute an extra 10%. It was passed unanimously. Sherwin moved that we adopt the budget in column AK with a 10% increase to SUSA and an increase to Row 56 [Helper Budget] to $3000. Michael seconded it. Motion carried unanimously.
Center Reports:
Honora Hildreth, Seattle: Business: Air B&B doing well. No problem with projects, updating house so website is accurate. Marston is moving forward with fixing the sewer problem. Checking for water damage on men’s latihan hall. Paul’s contract [website, booking etc] hasn’t been signed, has been finalized. Debbie has been handling the physical site. Debbie and Paul get paid as independent contractors. Marston gets a monthly stipend. Enterprise is important, but Air B&B reports will be given at every other meeting. She wants to make the latihan more accessible for everyone.
Michael gave a short oral report: Here is the written one for the records:
Bellingham Skagit Valley Report for the Spring Board Meeting
At present we have roughly ten to twelve active members doing latihan once or twice a week and one member who comes occasionally or does latihan with members who visit her.
We have a full committee, one active woman’s helper and two men’s helpers. Several members were able to attend Menucha in 2016. Michael is an active member on the regional sub committee for the new “Regional Art Camp”—now called “The Great Create”—for 2017.
We are making our regional and other payments monthly but are continuing to see a steady downturn in money. For example: in 2016 we had $9,465 in, including $715 from the 2016 Bird Walk, but paid out $10,078.27, down $613,27.
There is work to be done on the house, but we are in agreement that minimal work to keep it going is all we can afford at present. Julia Hurd has met with the lawyer we last dealt with re our implied sewer easement, which is legal because of it being grandfathered on the property. Waiting to see if anything happens from the neighbor we share it with. It will cost a lot of money if we do anything more.
This year’s annual Bird Walk came off successfully. We hope to continue this tradition if our members’ energy is up to it.
Serena read Camille’s Portland report into the record:
Portland Report for the Spring Regional Board Meeting
On Sunday, Feb. 19, 2017
Latham Stack gave a climate change presentation on 2/12. It was a SD fundraiser. Even though we had publicized it to the community, only Subud folks and their friends came. We raised just under $300.00.
We are getting close to having enough seed money to offer a matching fund for SD this summer.
We have another bid for exterior house painting of just below $8,000.00.
Some members of Subud Portland are interested in joining the Sanctuary Movement and further information will be forthcoming.
By Email from Camille H. Portland.
Question arose about the Sanctuary Movement [protecting people in need of political sanctuary]. It means that if people seek sanctuary, they are protected unless authority appears with a warrant.
Aaron on Spokane: Three men and three women at different times at the Yoga Center [women at 2 pm Thursdays at the Yoga Center; Men at 7 PM on Thursdays at the Yoga Center]. Because of all the snow they set up a separate time during the day, but due to the snow, latihan has been dropped off.
Helpers Report: Elizabeth gave a short oral report: Regional Helpers just had retreat for the year, tested what they could bring to the group. Each received on the state of the region. They get requests, such as Aaron’s one that they come to Spokane. Benjamin added that that the bi monthly phone-in latihans are really strong. They get three to four men and four to eight women. This is done with Free Conference Call.
Subud Pacific Northwest Regional Helper Report by Oswald Norton follows:
Date: February 20th, 2017
The Regional Helpers for Subud Pacific Northwest:
Elizabeth Flanders, Ocean Park, WA, Isadora Roth, Portland, OR and Margarite Charney, Ashland, OR (Helping with phone in latihans)
Benjamin Boyce: Olympia, WA, Elisha Gullixson, Issaquah, WA, Oswald Norton, Bellevue, WA
Supporting Committee activities:
Board Meetings:
We support our monthly Subud PNW board meetings by having Elizabeth Flanders or Isadora Roth attend for the women and Oswald Norton for the men. Each meeting we present a report on our activities.
The Great Create:
We are supporting the development of our summer arts camp – The Great Create – through Oswald Norton attending the planning sessions. This is to also ensure that there will be scheduled latihan at this camp. Elizabeth and Oswald will be attending The Great Create. Latihans will be a part of the schedule. All helpers are welcome.
Supporting Members
Bi-Monthly Call In Latihans:
Regional Latihans are offered twice per month on the 1st Monday and 3rd Thursday of every month. Quiet time begins at 7:30 pm. The latihan starts at 7:45. All members receive an email reminding them of this option the morning before the latihan. The women’s latihan is supported by: Elizabeth Flanders, Isadora Roth, and Margarite Charney. The men’s latihan is supported by Benjamin Boyce and Elisha Gullixson
This information is now available on the Subud PNW website under Latihan Schedule link.
We organize and facilitate the activities of this annual Kedjiwan Gathering at the Menucha Retreat & Conference Center in Corbett, OR.
Planning Session:
In the days before the Subud Pacific Northwest board meeting we met for 2 days to do latihan, testing and planning for the coming year. Those attending included, Elizabeth, Isadora, Benjamin, Elisha and Oswald.
We are planning to visit: Boise, Portland, Seattle and Eastside, Ashland, OR. We are open to requests from those not listed.
We are open for a third woman Regional Helper
We are open to a third woman helper. Please test locally if interested and contact Elizabeth Flanders or Isadora Roth if positive.
Should we have a 2017 Regional Congress? Question arose and dates were suggested. It would be a kedjiwaan year if we had one. No date felt right due to other events happening. Arts camp will be in late summer with latihan and regional helpers, Menucha in the fall, a national congress. There’s a lot going on all over. No decision made.
Break for Lunch
The July National Kedjiwaan Congress, which will be on the East Coast at a Jewish owned kosher center near the Baltimore airport. It may become the “East Coast Menucha”.
Update on “Great Create” the name for the summer’s Art Camp that has been worked on this spring by its organizing committee and started on it right after Menucha. Two discussion meetings at Menucha. An organizing committee was formed which started having meetings right away to work on ideas of what to call it, where to have it, available locations. Marston suggested using Pilgrim Firs at an early meeting. Aaron and Oswald went to visit the facility which had August 24th through 27th, 2017 open. Location is good, things for kids, a little lake where we can kayak, canoe and swim. An area set up for arts and crafts. Sleeping arrangements set up with bedding, towels etc. Food is great. SICA was willing to put the deposit down. Want it to be for everyone being able to bring their own creativity: storytelling, bringing creativity into your business, children in the outdoors. Oswald visited and discussed our coming with the managers. Wants an early bird rate that is two to three months early. Oswald wants to invite the people that are out in the hinterlands, Aaron wants to lure old Spokane members back to group latihan. Serena asked if there could be half down allowed. Honora asked about sponsorships. Alexandra sent out a recent survey via mailchimp.
Robina request for information: Who took over for Sebastian? Please take back to Mary this need for information and also the fact that our region will be adding 10% to our budget for 2017. Transition needs better communication. The terHorsts have taken over the communication and the information on the Subud USA website remains the same. Phone calls will go to them.
Went around the circle and said what we were looking forward to. With this roundup the meeting closed with a motion to adjourn that was unanimous.