Minutes of Subud PNW Board Meeting
April 11, 2018
Members Present: Aaron Mann, Chairman PNW, Marius Hibbard, Vice Chairman, PNW, Sherwin O’Bar, Treasurer, Oswald Norton, Rosalyn Neel, Regional Helper Liaison, Reynold Orchard, interim Chairperson Subud Portland, Honora Hildreth, Subud Seattle, Michael DuBois, Skagit Valley, Lydia Tedrow, Recording Secretary. Noril Jackson, Regional Congress Chair, came on toward the end of the meeting.
Minutes of Last Meeting
The minutes of the last meeting, which had been received by all, were approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Sherwin submitted his financial report showing results for 2016, 2017, and for the first quarter of 2018. In 2016 and 2017 revenues exceeded expenses by $3,063 and $485, respectively, although the first quarter of 2018 expenses have exceeded revenues by $1,137, principally due to the payment of the Menucha 2018 reservation fee.
Current cash balances are:
Capital One House Fund $ 81,046
Capital One General Fund 26,698
US Bank General Fund 2,341
US Bank Event Fund 145
TOTAL: $ 110,230
Center Reports:
Reynold Orchard reported that Portland will have its first meeting in May. Plans for the roof repair are open for further discussion; they may put it off if volunteers can shovel the snow off the roof. The group is not as active as it has been in the past. They used to have a movie night and that is no longer happening so the group is looking for interesting activities to begin to have pleasant events again. Reynold stated he would have more information for the meeting in May.
Honora Hildreth reported that the Seattle group had a general meeting. The group discussed holding events to feel connected to the general public as well as to Subud community. For example, an open mike will be held at her home to bring in the younger generation and they also plan to plant a Spring garden. Honora discussed again her plan for childcare for members with small children so parents can attend the latihans together rather than one parent staying home while the other attends the latihan. Some members of the group are planning to do some volunteer work, for instance, making sandwiches for the homeless. A kejiwaan day has been planned for April 29th.
Michael reported the group had a meeting last Sunday. Marius is planning to host a kejiwaan day for the group on May 6th. Latihan times are Sundays at 10 a.m. and Wednesdays at 2 p.m . for both men and women.
Rosalyn Neel is a new regional helper. The memorial for Rainer Burrows will take place on Saturday, May 12th at 1:30 p.m. at the Seattle Subud House.
Helpers Report:
Oswald reported that he and Rosalyn Neel had attended the retreat on March 16th through 18th being held in Boise by the Bruggers. They had a potluck – Irish theme. Rosalyn came away with the realization that it is important to meet with outlying members; it is not just a duty but important to her just as a person. Oswald went to Eugene, Oregon, and did the latihan with two members there, Rufus Gleeson and Emilio Garcia.
New Business:
Nirel Jackson was introduced as the new Regional Congress Chair. She is a member of the Subud Portland group. Oswald asked Nirel if she had received the template for the agenda and she responded she did have it. She had basic questions regarding topics for the meeting, reimbursement for gas, Aaron asked if she had been in touch with Amelia and she didn’t know that Amelia was in charge. She will call her. Oswald made sure Nirel had Amelia’s contact information.
Board members were asked what they wanted on the agenda and some ideas were discussed. Those ideas will be published on the agenda next month.
Meeting was Adjourned:
There was no new business to bring up so the meeting ended.
Signed by the Recording Secretary, Lydia Tedrow.