Members Present: Aaron Mann, Chairman PNW, Sherwin O’Bar, Treasurer, Oswald Norton, Isadora Roth, Regional Helper Liaison, Honora Hildreth, Subud Seattle, Michael DuBois, Skagit Valley and Lydia Tedrow, Secretary.
The minutes from the last meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: The summary of the income for the first three months was $4795. Expenses were $8353, so expenses exceeded income by $3558. $1523 of that is due to the prepayment in order to reserve Menucha for the 2017 get-together and that will be covered by the fees paid by the folks who come to Menucha. So by the end of the year, that part of the shortfall will be erased. Also, about 600 of the $3558 is due because the Region now has a single property policy for the three houses at each one of the Centers, property and property liability, pays that directly to the insurer and bills the individual centers twice yearly. The insurance year runs from July through June 30th and Sherwin sent the second bill to the centers over the weekend. So the Region is not doing as poorly as it seems although we are running a shortfall. When asked about the shortfall, Sherwin stated Center contributions had not been raised for several years and now the Region is contributing an additional 10% to Subud USA as was agreed to in the February meeting at BSB. That is $130 a month, about $1500 for the year. It’s likely to creep up a little bit as time goes on unless the Centers are asked if it’s possible to increase their contributions by 10%. It will at least cover the additional amount being passed on to Subud USA.
Center Reports:
SEATTLE: April Report submitted by Honora.
Paul has requested direct deposit to be added to his contract, and couple other edits. SGS Committee will not edit the already signed and completed document, unanimously decided. Airbnb Enterprise may be at risk of challenges and changes in Seattle in the near future as Legislation may change regulations regarding min or max rental visits at 30-90 days.
Matter of $5,000.00 prospective loss for 2017, may be resolved by the end of the year. ($10,000 was paid out to repair the sewer line and so far were able to do that and keep a modest balance in the bank. If Airbnb picks up, and it should, the balance will go up. Member donations have not been robust.)
SGS Committee Communication
We had a discussion about ways to improve communication in our group:
-New/Relevant Email Subjects
-Conference Calls
-Only including people who NEED to KNOW
-Discussions about how to better share the Seattle House, Airbnb and Helpers -SGS General Member Meeting, before July (They want as many members
possible to come to the meeting. Transportation will be offered so everyone can comment or voice opinions.
Seattle House
In need of upcoming repairs, first repair will be to wall of house which has become water damaged due to age and weather.
-Earth Day gardening with Marston at the house, April 22nd & 23rd. Snacks & fun.
New Business
Possible Kejiwaan Day, scheduled for the summertime.
Camille reported not much new happening in Portland. Leanna and Camille are still doing all the committee work. Someone has been hired to paint the exterior this Spring and they are looking at getting a new roof this Fall or Winter as the gutter repair person thought it should be done ASAP.
Skagit Valley is planning to get bids and have the house repaired. Roslyn Neel and Michael are lining up contractors to do minimal repairs. They are going to “maintain” the house, not “improve” it drastically, given the size of the group and its finances. Income is holding steady. There has actually been a increase over the last year so he will make a note to pass on 10% more to the Region and part of their commitment to the Region. Marius and Michael are starting a small enterprise. They are doing marbling, producing products and selling them at the Farmer’s Market on weekends.
Spring has finally arrived in Spokane. The women are attending Latihan on Thursdays at the Yoga Center. Lukas van der Walde has just moved on to retirement but doesn’t want to use the “R” word yet; just a change in routine. Lydia is recovering from her knee replacement surgery and is back serving as our regional secretary. Aaron’s new Airbnb enterprise is up and running and he had his first fully booked weekend.
Helpers Report:
At the end of last month, Marius Harold and Oswald went to Boise to visit the Subud members there. Events were hosted both at the Brugger home and at the Lockhart homes. A couple of evenings of great conversation were followed by Latihan. They also had a wonderful lunch, hosted by the Lockharts. Dennis Lockhart is the newest Subud member who was opened while they were there. Latihans were very strong. It was super meaningful for Oswald who felt that, by doing the work and going there, something shifted in his own Latihan, for which he was grateful. The group indicated that they wanted to have more regular Latihans.
The Regional helpers will be visiting Portland on April 23rd and they have also offered to do personal testing for people who wish it on the 22nd.
The Regional helpers are going to visit Ashland, Oregon. They don’t have any firm dates on that yet.
Attendance at the Regional call-in Latihans, on March 16th: 2 men and 4 women. On April 6th, no men showed up. It was just Benjamin. There were 4 women.
New Business:
Aaron gave a report on the “Great Create”. Registration was up and going but that was not too long ago so he doesn’t know how many people have registered yet.
Oswald stated that Alexandra created a “rate sheet” which showed all the rates. There is also a link on the registration page so you can ask for it.
Oswald had not heard from the folks at Pilgrim Firs that they had actually sent Aaron the updated contract. He asked Aaron if he had gotten it and Aaron stated he had not. He stated he would email them and copy Aaron the following day.
Michael wanted to know if people who were going to give classes or workshops at the Great Create were listed yet. Oswald stated the workshops that are listed in the registration form are all we have right now.
Aaron felt he should probably go and represent the Region at the National Congress and he may be asking for travel assistance on that. Sherwin stated there was only a couple of hundred in the travel fund but, if needed, money could be drawn from the General Fund of Capital One. This is a Kejiwaan affair so no delegates will be going.
Michael suggested Regional Committee authorize a travel fund for Aaron to go to the East Coast for the National kejiwaan. Aaron thinks he should probably go so he will plan on going. There was no other new business.
Michael made a motion to adjourn, Isadora seconded, and the meeting was adjourned.
Signed by the Recording Secretary, Lydia Tedrow.