Regional Dewan Meeting Minutes: April 13th, 2016


Michael Dubois
Beata Alexander
Michael Alexander
Aaron Mann
Sherwin Alexander

Treasurer report: under $1,400.00 due to Menucha pre-payment.
Fundraising effort for website, 30 received in April

Aaron sent 200, hasn’t been received yet.

Helpers report:
Beata: Great weekend in Seattle, Helper Gathering. Uplifting experience. Feedback was positive. Also met in Skagit/Bellingham house; that gathering also went well. Spent time exploring their feelings about their house and future. A plan has been put into place to help explore the future, this is will be facilitated by Oswald.

Margarite has stepped down, so we need another Woman helper.

Michael, Beata and Isadora are heading down to LA next weekend for another helper gathering.

Beata mentioned the hall should be booked soon for the next in person board meeting.

Michael: Helper support day very successful, circle time and gathered as a group male/female helpers.

Menucha/Family Camp:
Aaron: Perhaps we should change the name & form a committee to explore additional ideas
Michael: Lets find a good place to hold it in.

National Congress Delegates:
Hariana Chilstrom
Paul Nelson
Halstein Stralberg

Ramon will confirm Seattle delegates

Michael Dubois would like to be a delegate, but needs financial assistance.

Sherwin: We haven’t budgeted for any financial assistance so if we do provide it we will have to dip into reserves.

People who need assistance should send email requests to the regional committee.

Center reports:
Seattle: Regional Congress was hosted successfully we will be meeting as a group to have another session about the future of Subud Greater Seattle.

Bellingham: Needs repair work on their house. New treasurer Rosalyn Neel, starting May 1st

Website: The website is now up and running. Aaron hopes to develop the website more with an e-commerce section, more photos and group info. Paul Nelson is happy to give anyone in the region a primer on blogging and maintaining WordPress and hopes to develop correspondents from around the region.