Subud PNW Conference Call Board Meeting May 10, 2017

Members Present: Aaron Mann, Chairman PNW, Sherwin O’Bar, Treasurer, Oswald Norton, Elizabeth Flanders, Regional Helper Liaisons, Honora Hildreth, Subud Seattle, Michael DuBois, Skagit Valley, Lydia Tedrow, Secretary.

Reading of minutes of last meeting: There were no changes to the minutes so following a motion, the minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Sherwin reported there have been no changes to the treasurer’s report since the end of the first quarter, at the end of March.

Center Reports:

  1. Seattle:
    Honora stated that Seattle has not yet had its meeting so there is no news.
  2. Portland: No report.
  3. Skagit Valley:
    They had a great kejiwaan day, with salads and grilled salmon. They did some testing and everyone had a good time.

Regional Helpers Report:

Elizabeth reported she was one of the team that went to Portland for a Regional Helper weekend. Beata Alexander was in Portland from Spain and joined Elizabeth and Isadora Roth. The helpers did some personal testing with members on Saturday and, on Sunday, after latihan they asked the women to receive questions because they wanted the process to come from the members and not from the helpers. There were questions about surrender, grieving and forgiveness. There was positive feedback from the women.

The men, Elijah Gullixson and Benjamin Boyce, arrived on Saturday to test with one brother and they had a group conversation with the members. Elijah wrote a report on the men’s meeting which is on the PNW website.

Oswald talked about upcoming business. The helpers are trying to set up a time for a visit to Seattle. And, in the summer, a trip to Southern Oregon, the Ashland area, is planned. There are four or five women there. On the way back, the helpers will stop in Roseberg and spend the night with Helene Chapman who will invite people who are within driving distance of her house.

The helpers have been reaching out to the members in Boise just to stay connected with them.

The regional latihans are still being attended.

New Business:

Aaron stated that he sent out the housing survey that needs to be completed. Seattle’s has already been sent in, by Marsden. Michael said he would make a point of sending out Skagit Valley’s housing survey in the next few days.

Aaron reported that a list of artists, crafters, writers, photographers from our Region was wanted for the National Congress. He asked the Center chairs to make a list, send it to him (Aaron) and he would put it together and send it in from the Region. Apparently, these people will be invited specifically to the National Congress.

Ending the Meeting: There was nothing more to discuss so a motion was made to end the meeting. The motion was seconded and the meeting was adjourned.

Signed by the Recording Secretary, Lydia Tedrow.