Subud Pacific NorthWest Dewan Meeting via Conference Call, September 14, 2016

MEMBERS PRESENT: Aaron Mann, Chairman PNW, Sherman O’Bar, Treasurer, Lydia Tedrow, Secretary, Oswald Norton and Elizabeth Flanders, Regional Helpers, Hadiyah Carlyle, substituting for Ramon, Subud Seattle, and Michael DuBois, Bellingham/Skagit Valley.

READING OF MINUTES OF LAST MEETING: The first order of business was the approval of the minutes from the last meeting. There was no discussion and the minutes were approved.


The financial report through August 2016 showed that our expenses have exceeded revenue by $12,295 so far, principally due to the deposit prepayment that we have to make to the Menucha Conference Center, for the annual gathering. We’ve prepaid $11,928 so far. So most of the $12,000 short fall is due to that. By the end of the year, by the time all of Menucha expenses and revenues are accounted for, we anticipate our overall financial statement will show a positive bottom line by December 31 of the end of this year.

The following are the balances in the various checking accounts as of today. We have four different accounts.

  1. 1)  The US bank general fund which is what we use for operating money. It has a balance of $3087.
  2. 2)  The US bank event account which has a balance of $417.
  3. 3)  We have two investment savings accounts with Capital one, ageneral fund investment account which has, at this time, $15,944. By the end of the year, after all of Menucha revenues are accounted for, we anticipate that that fund will be a backup to over 26,000. We’ve had to draw money from in order to prepay the Menucha reservation deposit. By the end of this year, after Menucha revenues and expenses are accounted for, we expect we will have sufficient additional revenues to put back into the general fund account at Capital One to increase it to over $26,000.
  4. 4)  Finally, we have Capital One Account for the regional house fund and, as of today, it has a balance of $67,415.

So, altogether at this time we have cash of close to $85,000, maybe a little bit more.


Hadiyah Carlyle reported for the Seattle Center:

Paul and his crew brought in $10,000 last month. The group has done a lot of work on the building, through Marston Gregory, and they have the crash bar. They set aside money for that three or four years ago and finally got it done. The group would like not to spend any money right now as the house needs constant upkeep. Ramon asked Hadiyah to report that he is concerned about any effort to make any requirements for quorums. He believes that the Region should step in rather than allow a smaller and smaller set of members making key decisions. He wanted to just put that out there.

Aaron asked to be able to comment on Ramon’s concern about the quorum. He stated that we don’t have to concern ourselves with the quorum right now as, any change to the bylaws has to be taken up at a regional Congress so everybody in the Region has a chance to comment on it.

Michael DuBois reported for Bellingham/Skagit Valley:

Michael reported that the group had received one estimate on some minor repair to the back porch of the Subud house. No other estimates have been received as yet, although it looks like it could be fixed for $400, basically to repair the roof over the back porch and make it waterproof again. He noted that, right now, the property adjacent to the Subud house is for sale. It has apparently been for sale for years and many of the group are convinced it is probably not salable. Their sewer line was put in probably illegally over 25 or 30 years ago, and goes out from their back yard, through the adjoining property and hooks into the street. This was done before the property was divided and sold. So they need to have legal access. They do have implied easement but apparently the person who is selling it is not mentioning it to prospective buyers. The group has been trying to get a legal easement through the County and the City of Mount Vernon. They may have to hire an attorney to take that on. They want the easement in writing. Apparently Julia Hurd has informed the realtor, has been in contact with the City of Mount Vernon regarding the problem so the group feels confident they will soon solve the problem.

Michael continued his report by stating there are a dozen or so members in the group, a solid group of people. They have a new Treasurer, Rosalyn Neel has taken over from Paul because of his problems with housing. The group is planning a Spring-Winter or Spring Bird Walk and looking forward to having people visit for that.

Michael also wanted to know if the group could get assistance from the Region with funds if they need to hire a lawyer.


Oswald began by reporting that the Regional Helpers have done a couple of things since the last Board Meeting. Primarily, they met at Alexandra’s home in Portland, tested on Menucha and worked on the agenda for Menucha. As a result of that testing, they are going to make changes in how Menucha is done this year. Basically, they are going to be offering more latihan and testing for members and are not going to the start the mornings off on Friday and Saturday with the big circle. That will happen after the Latihan session. There is actually a schedule in the email they sent out on August 30th explaining that.

The second thing they did is they tested and clarified that there would be a regional helper liaison to the Board Meetings. So, in that regard, with the except of October when Oswald will be out of the county, he will be the male helper liaison and Elizabeth will be the woman helper.

Elizabeth then reported that the women’s regional Latihans are very strong. For instance, last time they had eight people. She has been involved with special Latihan for three different women and some come out of the regional Latihan. It’s a group for people that don’t have a group. So the Regional Helpers are really pleased with that. The Alexanders are going to be going to Spokane and Montana, as helpers, soon when the other RHs are at the board meeting.

Elizabeth reported the RHs are getting feedback, from Benjamin’s description, about their plans for Menucha. Two or three people said that, when they read it, it lifted their spirits and they feel really positive about it. One person was concerned about the crowdedness of Menucha and how it was hard to do Latihan and how the helpers are so busy with logistics . . . and that is part of reason for the change – the RHs want to accommodate as many people who want to com Menucha can’t work the way it has in the past because it just is too big. So they will try their plan this year and accept feedback, and change what needs to be changed.

Oswald asked if anybody had any question about the RHs reports but there were no questions except Michael wanted to find out the registration information for Menucha would be out there and Oswald reported that had already been sent out to everyone in the region through Mail Chimp. He offered to send a copy of Michael, who accepted.


Aaron announced that the Regional Dewan meeting was coming up on September 24th and he was open to discussion and agenda. Did anyone want anything on the agenda for that meeting?

Michael responded he wanted a discussion regarding Center legal issues. He also wanted to discuss Menucha and the way it is spreading. Third could be a discussion on a joint family camp or our own family camp.

Sherwin felt there should be a financial report.

Aaron wanted a question on the agenda: did anyone consider what they feel are the greatest opportunities and also the greatest issues facing the dewan in growing and moving forward?

There was a discussion about a timeframe for the dewan meeting. Michael felt, as did everyone, that a 10 o’clock latihan was a good start. His idea was to have the meeting, break for lunch and finish up in the afternoon.

Aaron asked if anyone wanted to discuss the regional quorum or should they save that till later. It was decided they would discuss it later.

Michael made a motion to adjourn the meeting and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Lydia Tedrow Recording Secretary