Dear Friends and other Subud members,
Subud Pacific Northwest’s long time web manager, Paul Nelson, is moving on to redirect his time and attention. While he will be sorely missed as SPNW webmaster, he won’t be far away as he assumes his new role as SICA USA chair.

We congratulate Paul on this new position.

We appreciate your service, timely attention to updates, and engaging anecdotes over the years, and wish you well on your journey to pursue your creative and other fulfilling endeavors. We further look forward to your continued contributions and stories as head of SICA USA.

Paul is passing the baton to longtime [Portland, LA, Paris] member, Nirel. Thank you Paul, you’ve set the bar and I will strive to live up to your standards.

If you’d like to express a show of appreciation for Paul’s years of service, you may send chocolates to

Paul Nelson
9030 Seward Park Av S
Unit 213
Seattle, WA 98118

Paul especially likes dark chocolate!

In other news, a cookbook is underway – dreampt up by Subud Portland’s Susila Dharma team, Marilyn Schirk, Maria Baker and Leana McClellan – and its producers are seeking recipes from you, especially if you are a Menucha lover. Quarantine Cuisine, a Virtual Cookbook will be presented as a thank you gift to Susila Dharma donors. Please send your favorite recipes ASAP – vintage or new, original or otherwise, feel free to include photos and anecdotes – to Maria Baker at

Hello January, 2021