Portland Subud Center
Minutes for Business Meeting of Sunday, Dec. 10, 2017
1. Approval of Minutes for Center Meeting on Sept. 10, 2017 – Lucy moved for approval, Maria seconded – minutes approved unanimously.
2. Treasurer’s Report – Maria reminded us that the Center Treasurer is changing. The Center is also changing banks from On-Point to US Bank. US Bank has no fees that affect us.
Account Balances: Business Account = $8,500.00
Savings Account = $7,500.00
Capital Account = $12,500.00
Susila Dharma Account = $3,021.00
Morris – Currently, donations to the Center are not covering our actual expenses and we are running at a deficit. However, our rental income compensates for the deficit (thank you Nirel and the Committee). The Center’s net income for the first three quarters of 2017 was $9,339.67. (See attached financial report below.)
3. Rental Report – Nirel reported that Blue Iris has signed a rental contract for next year, and that we are getting inquiries for weddings. We have a potential yoga and Buddhist group rental. We have a 4-day astrology workshop coming in. She is working to optimize the website to attract attention. Nirel asked the Center to consider buying a key pad system for front door entry. The system would give a separate code to each individual renter, and include override and camera options, etc. It can be installed at any door. A good system costs approximately $500.00. Maria moved that Samuel and Nirel should choose the best option available for close to $500.00, buy and install it. Marius seconded. Unanimous approval.
Samuel moved that the Center buy another chair dolly at a cost of $85.00 plus shipping. Camille seconded. Unanimous approval. Maria will buy one new chair dolly.
4. Susila Dharma report – Marilyn and Maria. Marilyn reported on her recent visit to Anisha from Nov. 4 – 17. Aminah Hermann, Marilyn, and Stephanie Holloway visited together. It was a real joy to see Anisha doing so well. We hope to schedule a meeting at the House for Anisha after the Holidays. The final figure of funds raised for SDUSA through the Portland 2017 matching fund was $16,831.00. Maria reported on the Silent Auction Fundraiser at Menucha in November. A total of $1,500.57 (after expenses and IOUs) was raised at the sale and snack bar. The SDUSA/Portland Center Account is now at $3,021.00 and building towards our 2018 matching fund for SDUSA.Deepest thanks go out to everyone at Subud Portland for this amazing level of support for SDUSA.
5. Subud World Congress Fundraiser – Marius is working with the Zone 7 Council to raise funds for WSA (World Subud Association) to help defray the expenses of the World Congress this coming summer in Freiburg, Germany. Marius asked for donations for this purpose. Individual donations as well as a possible Center donation were discussed. Latham suggested that the finance team meet as soon as possible to look at what the Center might be able to afford, and then bring a recommendation to the Center to create a matching fund in that amount. This fund would match individual donations from our members.
6. House Improvement – We had a discussion regarding a proposal that we paint the pews at the House. Several of these are painted blue already, and the rest have the natural wood finish. The majority of people present wanted to retain the natural wood finish on those pews that already have it.
7. Announcements:
– The Center Christmas Potluck Party is scheduled for 6:30 on Saturday, December 16.
– Camille has SICA calendars left for sale. They are $20.00 each.
– Nirel is thinking about doing a documentary about Subud and the latihan, possibly at the upcoming World Congress. She wants to use an individual story format.
8. Next Meeting: Sunday. January 14, 2018
(See Reports Below)