New Subud PNW Co-Chairs Akhri Cutler and Honora Drew, were selected by membership during the June 30, 2024 PNW Regional Congress. Since current Bylaws do not mention Co-Chairs, Honora is ‘paper chair’ and Akhri is ‘paper vice-chair’. But they both prefer “Co-Chair”. With collaborative leadership styles and deep respect for the other, each nominated the other. Fortunately – testing and member vote confirmed both nominees!

Akhri Cutler

Akhri Cutler is a second generation Subud member, married to Brian Cutler and mother to 12 year old daughter, Eilley. Akhri is a schoolteacher in the Portland, Oregon area. Akhri has served the region previously as Regional Chair, and served as a Center Helper.

Honora Drew

Honora Drew served as Regional Vice Chair previously, and as a Regional Helper and Local Helper and on center committees. She recently retired from a career in medical Ultrasound. She serves on several nonprofits. She is married to Steve Drew and lives in beautiful Homer, Alaska.

Marston Gregory

Treasurer Marston Gregory began serving as PNW Treasurer in 2023 with the able support of contract Bookkeeper Morris McClellan. Both bring strong financial tracking experience and produce frequent reports to us all. Marston has held many helper and committee positions and been a MSF Trustee.

Secretary: unfilled! PNW Secretary office goes well beyond recording and distributing Minutes. It may include Communications coordination, regional Membership records, and online Document Storage. Ask us about the role!

PNW Board of Directors – As a 501 C (3) and by current bylaws, our governance is by a Board of Directors, with 4 officers, plus each Center Chair as a director and one At-Large director. Unfortunately, this model causes a shrinking Board of Directors. However, while the number of official Centers is decreasing, clusters of Subud members are revitalizing in many places! That can be reflected in governance.

We feel it’s time to consider Subud Neighborhoods in additions to Centers!
Bellingham/Skagit Valley Center closed in 2024. Michael Dubois was appointed at that time to the unfilled At-Large board seat. But we feel there now need to be additional At-Large Directors – to allow our region to thrive. We see Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Spokane, Southern Oregon, Olympic Peninsula, and Bellingham/Skagit Valley all as” Subud Neighborhoods” who make up the Subud Pacific Northwest Region that we serve. We encourage the Neighborhoods to attend the open Board Meetings on Zoom!

Who are current voting members of the PNW Board of Directors?
PNW Chair Akhri Cutler
PNW Chair Honora Drew
PNW Treasurer Marston Gregory
PNW Secretary (TBA)
Subud Portland Chair Adira Padilla
Subud Greater Seattle Chair Marius Harold
At-Large Director (former BSV Chair) Michael DuBois

Save the Date!!

Zoom invitation coming for September 16, 6:30pm Regional Council (Board) Meeting

New Committee – Introductions & early thoughts…