A Letter from the Regional Helpers re Menucha

Dear brothers and sisters of Subud Pacific North West

The Regional Helpers have been meeting every week via Zoom in order to keep in touch with regards to the needs and welfare of the region and membership in this difficult time. We are also doing latihan simultaneously and meeting with the Regional Committee one of those weeks every month.

This past week we tested about Menucha. It was already obvious because of the mandated restrictions and resurgence of the Corona virus that it would be inordinately difficult to have anything like the Menucha gathering we have all known and loved.

From the testing it was clear that it was best for the membership and the region to let it go for 2020. It was also clear that that space and time felt very empty without it. So we are exploring the possibilities for one or more kejiwaan events via Zoom in the near future, at least one around the time when the gathering at Menucha would ordinarily have been held.

We are here to serve you all as well as the region. Please feel free to call on us as needed, to stay in communication, etc. Honora has received to be temporarily inactive at this time but has not left the dewan.
With love and good wishes from your Regional Helpers

Albert, David, Elisa, Honora, Leonard, & Rosalyn

SPNW Regional Helpers, when they included Hadidjah Gregory and before they added Elisa Sunflower.


No Menucha 2020