Athena Solbeck Robel

Athena Solbeck Robel: I first learned about Subud from Raymond Robel, a long time Subud member whom I later married. I was opened in May 1992 in Seattle and we soon moved to San Diego where I became a local helper. I worked for over 40 years as an LCSW Social Worker In a variety of settings before retiring. A few years after I became a widow, I moved temporarily during COVID to Livingston, Montana (close to Bozeman) to be near family and I am still here! I look forward to meeting and supporting PNW Subud members especially isolated members who live far from a group.

Daniella Gleeson

Daniella Gleeson: I was born into Subud, originally from Los Angeles and have been a part of the Portland group since 2005. I got opened in Arcata, CA in 1992 and have been a helper since 2004.

Liza Ramey Wolfgang

Liza Ramey Wolfgang — I am an elementary school teacher in the greater Portland Metro Area. As a second generation Subudain, I was opened in my late teens in Sonoma County, California. I’ve served as a local committee member and helper in Sonoma County and recently as a local helper here in Portland.  I also served as chairperson of Susila Dharma USA for 5 years. I’m honored to have the opportunity to
work on this Regional Dewan.

Rayma & Oswald Norton

Rayma Norton: Opened in Kentucky in 1973, I moved to California in ’75, later met and married Oswald. We’ve been in the PNW since 1991. I am a retired librarian. We have one daughter who lives in L.A., where we spend time each winter.
Oswald Norton: I’m a retired IT Program Manager. I live with my wife Rayma in Bellevue, WA. We are a part of the Subud Greater Seattle group. Opened in October of 1976, I have served previously as a regional helper and regional committee vice chair in the Pacific Northwest region. It is through the efforts of committee and helper members who came before me that I am able to receive the latihan.

David Lynch

David Lynch — I was opened in Subud in Santa Cruz, CA in 1984. Became a local helper in 1991. I have been a regional helper for Subud PNW for 6 years. I served on the board of Susila Dharma for a term where I met my wife Maryka in 2007. After we married in 2008 we lived in the Subud community of Badger for 2 years and moved to Olympia, WA in 2011. For years we commuted to Seattle every Sunday for Latihan and I eventually became chair of Subud Seattle for two terms. We finally began a group in Olympia which at its peak reached 11 members but eventually is now only Maryka and I, so I travel to Seattle every Sunday and time the regional Latihan while doing the center Latihan.

Samuel Czuba

Samuel Czuba — I was opened in Subud on April 2, 1972. Living in Hood River, OR. It was a 150-mile round trip to Portland for about 2 years and twice a week. Agatha and me got married in 1978. She passed away in November 2023. In 2005 I became a Regional Helper. After that I have been a local helper in Portland. This present Regional Helpers group feels very together. Looking forward to serving God and the region.

How to Contact Active Pacific NW Regional Helpers…


Athena Solbeck Robel

Daniella Gleeson

Liza Ramey Wolfgang

Rayma Norton


David Lynch

Oswald Norton
425-869-2716 or 425-221-1307

Samuel Czuba

Our New Pacific Northwest Regional Helpers Team Tested in at Congress 2024