Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Due to changes in accommodations options at the Menucha Conference Center, and a lack of enough available latihan and meeting space at Pilgrim Firs, your committee has not been able to secure a facility for our annual large kejiwaan retreat – which is usually held the second weekend in November – this year.

The newly constituted regional helper team will have its retreat at the end of September. Because of the lack of facilities for a larger annual kejiwaan retreat this year, your regional helpers are working on the possibility of having smaller retreats at our houses in Seattle and Portland in coming months. We hope to have more information on a schedule for these events in late September.

Your committee will also begin work shortly on finding a large enough facility for our Fall 2025 retreat where we can again all meet together.

With Love,

Your SPNW Committee and regional helpers

Smaller kejiwaan events planned for 2024. Possible large event for 2025