Given to Subud Greater Seattle September 15, 2017:
Lodging totals are up 11% over the similar period last year. Last year included lodging ALL Rentals and this year lodging is up by itself over that. September is on track to be 25% over 2016 and we have had record months also in February, March, June and July 2017.
We continue to hold “Superhost” status at Airbnb due to three factors:
- Debbie’s cleaning and housekeeping skills are world class;
- Marston responds to event the slightest criticism of the house and amenities quickly with inexpensive solutions;
- Paul responds quickly with the right tone to all lodgers and potential lodgers.
There are hundreds of reviews on Airbnb at: which give you a sense of the appreciation of the service.
This service creates awareness of Subud, gives lower-income lodgers a warm, clean place to stay in Seattle and, of course, provides revenues to help keep the house well-maintained.
Airbnb regulations being proposed by the City of Seattle will likely not affect our centerprise in any serious way.
I’m grateful for the opportunity to represent Subud in this way. Thank you for this opportunity.
Submitted by Paul Nelson