It’s sort of a joke that the fledgling group in Olympia is Subud “Greater” Olympia. Olympia is not the metropolitan area that Seattle is and there IS a Subud Greater Seattle, but technically Latihans are sometimes practiced in Lacey, east of Olympia and on the shore of Pattinson Lake, with the Amtrak and freight trains passing by regularly.
Bhakti Watts and your humble narrator attended Latihan last Saturday, March 2, and were greeted warmly by the gathered, enjoyed Latihan with their cat part of the time, though she had an exit door when the heavy purification started to arise. We enjoyed cheese, grapes and coffee after.
Subud Greater Olympia meets Saturdays at 11am. Contact David Lynch to get on their text list for Latihan information.
(360) 742.6211