Dear Brothers and Sisters of Subud Pacific Northwest, The PNW regional helpers and Seattle local helpers are organizing a kejiwaan gathering on Saturday and Sunday, April 26-27. All interested members are invited, and we especially hope those members in and
Read moreHAVE YOU VOTED YET? …on proposed SPNW Bylaws Changes
What’s it all about? Read the January 5th post on our website, for more information about the proposed changes, the full Bylaws, and an overview of the voting process. Know enough that you are just ready to vote? The link
Read moreWorld Latihan Days Times
WORLD LATIHAN TIMES World Latihan days and times are published – along with other Subud world events – on this page:
Read moreProposed Subud PNW Bylaws Changes
Four specific Bylaws changes have been proposed by the Committee and Board of Directors for careful consideration by Subud Pacific Northwest membership at this time. Each proposed change has the intention for allowing useful action without violating our own Bylaws.
Read moreChanges to Call-In Latihan Schedule start January 5th, Also, New Numbers
Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Subud PNW Region, After considerable work surveying members who use the call-in latihan service, and, our ability to staff those needs, we are now publishing the new call-in latihan schedule which will start with
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