Pre-Testing Regional Helper Positions Dear Regional Members, If you’ve decided you want to serve your community as a regional helper, we can help you take the final step the weekend of the National Congress where you would test with
Read moreHave you tested for yourself about helping your community by serving on committee?
Pre-Testing Chair and Vice Chair Positions Dear Regional Members, On Sunday June 30th at 1 pm we will be holding our Subud PNW Congress and testing in our new chair and vice chair for the next two-year term.
Read more2023 Kedjiwaan Meeting Message From the Pacific Northwest Regional Helpers to EVERYONE!
We welcome and encourage every Subud member to attend this year’s kedjiwaan gathering at Menucha. No matter whether you’ve come to Menucha before or not, please consider this a special invitation to spend time with other Subud brothers and sisters from
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As of this writing we have 63 members who have registered. Every day more and more people register as we enter into the last 14 days before registration must end so that we can provide the attendee count to
Read moreSubud PNW 2023 Kedjiwaan Gathering – Registration Opens – Closes in 60 days
Menucha 2023 – Nov 9th to 12thRegistration for our Fall Kedjiwaan Gathering at Menucha is now open! To see pricing for this event, please use this link. To immediately register for this event, please use this link. Need financial aid,
Read moreThe Subud PNW 2023 Kedjiwaan Gathering – Nov 9th to 12th
Probably last one at Menucha Our annual kedjiwaan retreat has been held at the Menucha Retreat and Conference center for over 30 years. Menucha experienced existential challenges during the pandemic and for this year’s event. Your committee has worked hard
Read more2022 Kedjiwaan Gathering Memories from Your Organizing Team
We wanted to thank all of you who attended our 2022 Kedjiwaan Retreat at the Menucha Retreat and Conference Center. Your participation is what created the opportunity for all of us to experience again big latihans and the regaining of
Read moreJoin the SICA-USA Board of Directors!
At our annual kedjiwaan retreat at the Menucha Retreat and Conference Center members of the SICA-USA board Lawrence Pevec, Kristiana Kalab and Fayra Teeters were present. They participated in many of our workshops and also asked that the following information be posted in all Subud Centers throughout our region. SICA-USA is
Read moreNotes from the Chair
Sisters and Brothers, Several items to share with you: This Saturday, the 15th, is pretty much your final chance to register for the Menucha retreat (11/10-13). I hope you take this opportunity for self-care through the kedjiwaan activities, connection to each
Read moreAt long last, Menucha is back!
The PNW Regional Helpers would like to invite all members to join us in the beautiful Columbia River Gorge for Menucha November 10-13, 2022. This is the first Menucha since 2019 and it’s time for us to be together once
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