Pre-Testing Chair and Vice Chair Positions


Dear Regional Members,

On Sunday June 30th at 1 pm we will be holding our Subud PNW Congress and testing in our new chair and vice chair for the next two-year term.

To aid us in this process, we request that, if you are planning to attend, you grab a local helper (if a regional member, ask a regional helper) and test for yourselves the following question:

– “Is it right for (your name) to put his/her name forward to be tested at the congress for the position of (chair or vice chair – depending on position) for the coming term?”

– Some candidates may wish to test, “How will it be for (your name’s) family if she/he becomes (name of position)?”

If you are nominated at the congress and are willing to serve, but haven’t tested, we will need to step outside of the room to test these questions with you.

Thank You, Your Regional Helpers:

Click here for contact information:

Have you tested for yourself about helping your community by serving on committee?