From Reynold Orchard of Subud Portland:

Dear Subud Portland,

I mentioned at our group meeting that I have been in touch with Olav Bryant Smith, a Subud member from Paradise CA.  He and wife Tara and their children all made it out safely, but they have lost their house and possessions.   

He mentions:  “We are fortunate compared to so many others in this situation. First of all, we had been attending church for the last 8 years in Chico, not Paradise. So our church “family” embraced us and helped us through the tragedy. We landed in one church friend’s home initially. Spent a few days in another woman’s home while she and her husband were vacationing, and finally transitioned into a dear elderly friend’s farm house on the outskirts of Chico. We are so fortunate. Moreover, we acted quickly, on Tara’s parents’ advice and help, to find a mobile home to buy in Chico before they all disappeared. We quickly made an offer that was accepted, contingent upon their finding a place. In this incredibly tight housing market, they had a bit of trouble finding a place, but on their third try succeeded. So we found out today that their offer had been accepted and that should mean (barring some unforeseen problem) that we’ll be able to move into the mobile home around mid-December. We have felt guided. God is good. And family and friends have been good. As I said, a friend from my Army days set up a GoFundMe.”   

If you open the link below, you will see that he has already raised over $3,000, and the goal is $10,000.

You can also find Olav on Facebook, where he shares pictures. 
I am sure you are joining me in keeping Olav and his family in our thoughts and prayers. 
Paradise Fire Fundraiser