From Maura Salamah O’Brien: Hello I’ve visited Rosalyn Neel today and she has improved significantly since my last visit last Wednesday, August 15.
Julie Hurd mentioned to me to add this to a note page where others in Subud could read.
Rosalyn Neal (Photo by Marius Hibbard)
when I arrived at Providence today Rosalyn has her own private room #509 on the same floor. and was in physical therapy working on hand coordination and having a soft putty ball in her hand working her fingers back-and-forth, in addition to her PT leg and arm work.
Rosalyn also has mastered the bar to dress herself using the bar (floor to ceiling vertical pole)to lift herself off the bed onto her left foot and then move to the wheelchair and sit down and dress herself using the pole. These are significant advances with her right arm and leg restricted.
Rosalyn was in good spirits and reported how happy she is with a quieter room and where she can have the door closed not hearing all the noise in the hallway.
The PT worker Christine was happy with Rosalyn’s process.
While I was there they brought her lunch -mashed hamburger with gravy, mashed carrots, puréed pasta (R does not eat pasta) and she started eating right away.
Rosalyn said she had finished her goat milk yogurt, so I purchased a quart at Trader Joe’s and delivered it to her an hour later to her surprise. R was very appreciative.
I plan to visit Thursday afternoon.
Keep her in your thoughts and prayers and Latihans.
Maura Salamah O’Brien