Saturday April 21, 2018
The Western Regional Helpers invite you to a day or more of latihan, testing and socializing on Vancouver Island.
Where: We will meet initially at the Masonic Hall in Cumberland at 2687 Dunsmuir Avenue.
Then the men, or the women, will head up to the Abbey, half a block away at 2689 Penrith Street, (entrance from First Street) for latihan.
Directions: http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/maps/cumberland.html
When: Saturday April 21, 2018
Time: 1:00 until 5.00 pm
Cost: If we have 16 people and each person contributes $10, we can cover the cost of the rentals.
• The plan is to go out for dinner locally, afterwards.
• We are looking into billeting for those who may want to stay over on Saturday night.
• There is also the possibility of a latihan on Sunday morning.
• Visitors from Vancouver Island, Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley, other parts of the Province and the Pacific North West are warmly invited to attend this afternoon gathering on Vancouver Island. Carpooling is encouraged to help share the cost.
• More information will be sent out, as it becomes available – STAY TUNED!!
• The Regional Helpers would like some idea of how many to expect, so if and when you know that you will be attending, please contact Adelia at 250 891 9163.
• If you have any questions, please contact Dave Hitchcock at 250 370 1291 or davehhitchcock@gmail.com