Registration is now open for the Subud National Gathering in Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 4-8, 2019. Special Early Bird Registration Rate: $99 through March 31. Register now.

Questions? See:

Don’t forget to book your room now at the Hyatt regency Albuquerque to get the Subud preferred rate of $94/night + tax/fees (for up to 4 people per room.)

Self-parking is free in the hotel garage, as is wifi in guest rooms.

To register for the Congress by phone (or to change an existing registration) please call our registrar, Alexandra terHorst, at 800 595-7897.

The National Helpers said:

Our testing about this gathering has been extremely positive, and we are mapping out topics to explore — through both testing and conversation. These topics include: incorporating the latihan in our daily lives; promoting harmony within groups and peace within ourselves, awakening all parts of our being, promoting dialog between younger and older members, exploring our Subud roles, sharing our Subud experiences and miracles—just to name a few. Most importantly, we received this gathering to be an opportunity for all of us to be present and attentive to both our receivings, and to one another – our goals, stories and gifts. We welcome any ideas you have for kejiwaan activities, workshops, or discussions. Large latihan halls will be available all day, as well as more intimate spaces, for personal testing, workshops, and small group activities. See their whole letter here.

Subud National Gathering 2019