Sisters and Brothers of Subud Pacific Northwest,

I hope all is well with you. Here in Albany the crocuses are blossoming although weather continues cold and rainy.

Please join me in welcoming Honora Drew as our Vice-Chair. She’s been serving in this capacity for several months now, and is a joy to work with. I’m also grateful that Sherwin is generously continuing to serve as Treasurer, long past the normal term and until someone else steps up. We also still have an opening for Secretary, which is a full-participating member of our regional Committee and Board of Directors (and not just a minutes-taking position). Through a number of technical updates and the help and guidance of the National Committee, we are hoping to make each of the 4 regional officer roles easier to fill going forward.

As mentioned previously, the Fall kedjiwaan event is again to be held at Menucha, as usual over the second weekend in November (11/9-12). Stay tuned for details in coming months. We’re taking your survey responses into account in planning. Among other things, we’re:

– Expecting costs to be a bit less than last year.

– Renting Ballard, instead of Creevey, to provide a shorter walk to Wright.

– Will open up registration earlier than last year.

– Assistance Fund applications can be made early and contributions to that fund can be made early.

We will continue to hold an annual, region-wide kedjiwaan event, but it may be a different venue. We are exploring multiple new venues as well for the 2024 Fall Kedjiwaan Gathering.  We also strongly wish to meet your broader needs, for example by putting on family camps again.

A number of you offered to help with organizing the Menucha kedjiwaan event. Please let me know what you are interested in helping with.


Your Chair, Latham

Update from the Chair