From the Chair and Treasurer of Subud PNW: Dear friends, This is to let you all know that Menucha 2021 has been scheduled with Menucha. Menucha has been very generous in transferring our entire deposit from this year to next
Read moreAugust Regional Call-in Latihan
Join Us for Regional Call-In Latihan Subud PNW Regional Latihans are offered twice per week on Tuesdays and Sundays at 11am during the Shelter-in-Place regulations designed to combat the spread of the novel Coronavirus, COVID-19. Call-in and quiet will begin
Read moreNo Menucha 2020
A Letter from the Regional Helpers re Menucha Dear brothers and sisters of Subud Pacific North West The Regional Helpers have been meeting every week via Zoom in order to keep in touch with regards to the needs and welfare
Read moreRest in Peace Herbert Taylor
Herbert Taylor (Halima Taylor’s) dad passed away July 19th @ 4am dawn time. Halima is at South Pasadena with Iliana Taylor (Herbert’s wife). Our thoughts go out to Halima and her family at this time.
Read moreSubud California Virtual Congress

From Subud California: Our 2020 Subud California Virtual Gathering is just a month away! It will kick off with a Bapak talk video on Friday, August 7, continue with latihan, regional updates, and entertainment on Saturday, August 8, and close
Read moreMenucha In Trouble

From Oswald Norton: Dear Brothers and Sisters, I just received my monthly newsletter from Menucha. They’re trying to hang on and are in financial need. Here’s some more information, should you wish to support their efforts to stay afloat: Until
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