From our September Retreat
L-R Top: Rayma Norton and Liza Ramey Wolfgang, regional helpers. Akhri Cutler and Honor Drew co-chairs
L-R Bottom: Oswald Norton and Samuel Czuba regional helpers. Marston Gregory, treasurer. David Lynch regional helper

Dear Subud Members of Subud PNW,
At the end of September your regional helpers and committee met to prioritize our work for the coming year. One of those items was to survey all members regarding call-in latihans.
At the end of this short article is a link to that survey. If you are interested doing latihan with other SPNW members using the telephone to “call-in” to a latihan, please answer the survey.
One of our goals in the coming term is to increase availability and deepen the value of the latihan in our lives. We hope the call-in latihans will help those who are isolated feel close to other brothers and sisters in the region. Your answers will help us discover if this is a useful way.

Call-in latihans before each monthly board meeting. All are welcome.

This week at your monthly Subud PNW board meeting – to which all members are welcome – it was decided that the regional helpers would host a regional call-in latihan for all attendees before each meeting. This latihan will start with a 5 pm (Pacific) quiet and latihan from 5:15 to 5:45. There will then be a 15-minute break before the meeting starts.
Here’s the link to the survey. You have 2 weeks to complete it. Please do!

Love, Your regional Helpers

Athena Solbeck Robel
Daniella Gleeson
Liza Ramey Wolfgang
Rayma Norton
David Lynch
Oswald Norton
Samuel Czuba

Call-In Latihan Survey – Please complete by 11/3