February 19, 2017 Regional Dewan Meeting Minutes at B-SV Subud House

Board Members Present: Aaron Mann, PNW Chair, Marius Hibbard, Vice Chair, Sherwin O’Bar, Regional Treasurer, Serena DuBois, Recording Secretary, Michael DuBois, Skagit Valley Chair, Honora, Seattle Chair, Elizabeth Flanders, Isadora Roth, Benjamin Boyce, Elisha Gullixson, and Oswald Norton, Regional Helpers.

Aaron started the meeting by going around the circle with group introductions.

Lydia and minutes. Falling behind due to her illness. Aaron has recordings of all the meetings, but transcription hasn’t happened. Aaron would like to have a monthly center report in writing. Oswald suggested we put our struggles out to the region so that we can help one another. It was suggested that we use the transcription service that free conference call provides. Groups will send reports to Lydia of what goes on. READ MORE

February Dewan Meeting Minutes