Pictured L to R: Rayma Norton, Albert Palmeter, Rosalyn Neel, Nathaniel Gottumukkala, David Lynch, Daniella Gleeson. Not pictured: Margarite Charney and Halima Brugger

Some comments from your current regional helper team…
Halimah Brugger [Boise, ID] – I would encourage all helpers to consider testing to become a regional helper. It is a spiritual privilege to serve our wider membership in the PNW. When I first became a regional helper maybe 12 or 15 years ago, I felt my latihan change. It became stronger and with more focus. Little by little I received with more understanding outside myself and I had more faith in my receiving. This is something you might want to test for yourself. It’s not just our capacity to be a regional helper, but what will it become.

Margarite Charney [Ashland, Oregon] – As an isolated Helper in S. Oregon with a few members, being a Regional Helper has made me more connected to Subud in greater contact with members through call in Latihan’s, attending Kejiwaan Events, and responding to requests for personal and Special Latihan’s from PNW members.

David Lynch [Olympia Washington] – Being in contact with regional members has been a way to increase my spiritual family getting to know Subud members I never knew before. Visiting centers to have kejiwaan days has been very fulfilling as a way of …exploring the depth of our latihan. I have found the role of regional helper to have brought me much closer to the latihan in my daily life and much closer to my brothers and sister in Subud.

Rayma Norton [Bellevue, WA] – I have felt the subtle deepening of my latihan. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with others throughout the region. The importance I place upon all of our local, regional, national and international forms of communication has increased.

Daniella Gleeson [Boise, ID] – I have experienced a deepening experience not only for my latihan but in myself. Having the opportunity to serve has also given me a sense of ownership of my Subud experience having always identified as a Subud kid, the daughter of my parents who were so committed to Subud. I am so grateful to give back in some way as well as to feel a part of a team that cares so much for our spiritual community.

Oswald Norton [Bellevue, WA] – What draws me back to the work is my receiving that I need to serve in this capacity. What keeps me doing the work is getting to know new Subud members who aren’t a part of our Greater Seattle Subud group. Are you ready to start your own journey serving the members of Subud PNW?

It is recommended that those willing to fulfil these rolls pretest the following question with their local helpers: “Is it correct for (person’s name) put her/his name forward to test for regional helper for the coming term?”

For more information on the duties of a regional helper please see this article: Call for Regional Helpers – Subud PNW.

How has being a SPNW Regional Helper Benefited My Life?