Among other topics at the October 2017 Regional Dewan Meeting, new business was discussed:

New Business: Camille had something for new business – she just remembered that there is interest in the Portland group in starting a women’s latihan on Tuesday at 1:00 pm and it looks like it will begin to happen soon. Aaron gave an update on the Menucha registration.  He contacted Alexandra and, right now, 37 people were registered for Menucha.  They may have some work to do.  All the information for Menucha is on line.  Information for Menucha has been in the weekly newsletter for about three weeks now.  It contains the link to the Registration.  It is also on the PNW website.  It’s there if people want to register.  Camille felt that a separate announcement would get more attention.  A one-subject announcement. Aaron stated he had a discussion today with Alexandra.  They came up with a solution for management of the Gift Shop.  People who are requesting financial assistance apparently will get the assistance but will have to put in an hour or two in the Gift Shop. There was no new business to discuss.  A motion was made to adjourn the meeting, seconded and all were in favor and the meeting was adjourned.


Oct Regional Dewan Meeting