From the minutes:
New or Ongoing Business:
Aaron reported that the completed contract for the Great Create was signed and had been sent back. The Insurance rider was in process.
An ad has been posted on the Subud PNW website. So far, no responses have been received. A suggestion was made to post flyers at the centers.
Oswald reported that the whole camp site will be available to Subud.
Paul has posted a notice on the website. We are looking for a program coordinator for the Great Create.
We need to start promoting the Great Create now pretty soon, perhaps after the National Congress is over – with flyers and cards. Not many people are registered. However, apparently many people register at the last minute. Halima Taylor will be doing a presentation at the National Congress about the Great Create. Some 4 X 6” cards can be handed out at the National Congress as well.
Oswald will be sending Committee Chair People a poster and the rate sheet to print out and put on Center bulletin boards. Alexandra also put on the flyers that if anybody had difficulty with registering, they could call her and she would help to register them for the Great Create.
Also, a link to some documents that Paul can put on the website will be attached to the minutes so people can print them out themselves. READ MORE.