Dear PNW Regional Members,

The Regional helpers have tested the meaning and purpose of the upcoming Regional Congress to be held in person and by Zoom on Sunday, May 15 at the Portland Subud Hall from 1 pm -5:30 pm with the regular Latihan time of 10 am to be followed by a lunch. We would like to share some of our receivings with you all.

Rosalyn Neel’s receiving:
“The Regional Congress is simply the outer form of the inner reality. For us to come together being reminded how much we are all connected.  The whole Region and all of the membership is part of this whether present at the Congress or not.”

Elisa Sunflower: “I received the energy of all the men and women in our Region gathering to do Latihan and move forward.”

Margarite Charney: “I received a feeling of gratitude and joy that the gathering was for us to be together to receive God’s grace through the Latihan.”

David Lynch: “I received that after a tough 2 years of COVID that we finally have an opportunity to
gather together and share ourselves with one another, share our Latihan, share our testing, and share our hearts and minds. What a blessing it is to be in Subud together and have this opportunity for a celebration of this!”

We look forward to meeting with our brothers and sisters at the upcoming PNW Regional Congress! Please join us!

With love,
Rosalyn Neel
Elisa Sunflower
Margarite Charney
David Lynch
Leonard Dixon
Albert Palmeter

Upcoming Regional Congress