Robina Page recently celebrated her 80th birthday with a women’s tea. Our small Bellingham/Skagit Valley group hasn’t been together much since the pandemic began, so it was especially lovely for the ladies in our group to gather and celebrate our sister.

Our lives have changed in many ways for many reasons, aging and the pandemic among them, making these special moments poignant. (For these same reasons the Bellingham/Skagit women are not getting together in person for regular latihans, although the three men are.)

Some interesting stories! – In 1972 when Robina first arrived in Bellingham from the East Coast and California, there was no Subud group so she traveled to Seattle and Frasier Valley in Canada for Latihan. In Canada she met Leona. Plus it was at this time that Robina became the first secretary of the newly formed PNW Region, attending regional committee meetings in Seattle. About a year later, Robina and Nadia became friends and eventually Robina introduced Nadia to Subud. Then it was Roosmiwati, having moved to Bellingham from California in 1977, who opened her. Nadia remembers her instant connection to Robina, sharing talks into the wee hours.

Forty-five years later these women are still doing latihan together.

“To live is a gift. God’s been good.” – Robina

Robina Page turns 80