From Serena DuBois:

Current calendar is as follows:

Kejiwaan meeting and potluck on Sunday, August 14th, starting at 11 AM. Place to be determined at a later date.

Next business meeting and potluck, Sunday, September 11th after latihan starting at 11 AM at the Subud house.

I wrote Regional Chair, Aaron Mann, tonight to find out the date for our fall general meeting. He informed me that it will be on the agenda for this coming Wednesday’s phone board meeting as they haven’t yet decided if it will be in Seattle or Portland.

Other dates to remember:
Robina will be in England from July 25th to August 21st.
Rosalyn will be traveling from July 27th to probably August 14th.
The DuBois’ are hoping to travel south visiting relatives in Oregon and California in late September, dates to be determined later.
Menucha is November 10 to 13th,

I am attaching the minutes of the July 3rd business meeting. If anyone sees any corrections, please let me know.

Thanks for everything

Bellingham/Skagit Valley Update