Here is an excerpt from the July 7 Regional Dewan Meeting:
Bank Balances:
Sherwin (O’Bar, Treasurer) stated we will probably have to dip into the Capital 1 General Fund, which has been built up over the years from the excess of revenues over expenses for Menucha Family Camp, to the tune of several thousand dollars over the next couple of months for operating funds. We need to reimburse expenses to the National Congress and there is likely to be an increase in the insurance we have to pay in September. House insurance and car insurance have gone up. And we have not increased tithing levels by the Centers in a couple of years so he expects this to go up and the contributions from the Centers have been fairly constant over the last couple of years. Nothing to panic about but something to keep in mind. That is over and above the second payment for Menucha here in early August and that is probably in the $ 9,000 to $ 10,000 range.
Oswald had a comment about Menucha. One of the movements that occurred at the last Menucha and the Menucha before was a question of how important is Menucha to the Pacific NorthWest as a facility for us to use. What came out of that conversation, from what he remembers, was that we felt we should support it not only by coming there but they should also do fund raising in order to be able to help the facility to survive and thrive. That included financial donations or even donations in kind, for example, going up and working with the community on one of their work weekends. So far, we haven’t been able to do any of that and Oswald felt like the donation of $500 for the road met the intent that had been expressed by other Subud members, and particularly for the Pacific NorthWest, that we should support Menucha with our own funds as well, not just having conferences there and renting their facility but through our own funds.
He felt that Camille’s request, and Menucha’s request to us, was a part of what they had talked about wanting to fulfill and he thinks that $250 matching Portland from the Region, is a very small contribution to this idea that was supported by a majority of the people attending Menucha in the last two sessions.