This Sunday in Mount Vernon, Serena has the news:
If anyone has anything to add to this agenda please let us know:
MEETING AGENDA: Bellingham-SV Group
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Approve September 30, 2018 Meeting minutes (attached)
Treasurer’s report — Roosmiwati
Announcements: Welcome Rosalyn back.
Elisa’s email response re SD attached to minutes.
Whatever comes up.
Regional and other news [Michael]
Helpers report
Old Business [Michael]
Update on house repair
Appointment for annual check of heater
Any wrap up of the Seattle AirBnB?
Set date for next event
Minutes of Subud PNW at B-SV Meeting
September 30, 2018
Present: Serena and Michael DuBois, Robina Page, Roosmiwati Reynolds, Nadia and Paul Woodcock, Julia Hurd, and Elisa Sunflower, guest.
Meeting called to order by chair Michael DuBois with a few minutes of quiet.
Minutes of the April 8, 2018 meeting were approved by the members as corrected [Rainer’s name].
Treasurer’s Report: Roosmiwati. Attached to minutes. We have taken in $4830, and spent $8750.50. Regional payment for the last quarter 2017 paid in 2018. Checkbook balance is currently $5,092.56. Income considerably less than last year, partially due to no fundraiser, donations are down, expenses higher. We pay region quarterly, half-year to SD, and utilities: $200 regional donation monthly, $300 on house loan, and $50 a month to SD. Robina said we have been backing YUM since the 90s with half of what we give. Elissa will let us know how YUM is doing to decide if we continue.
World Congress News: Elisa Sunflower came as a guest and gave her report from the World Congress. She brought two pages of tests she did while there to share with us. She talked about a new project helping Venezuelan members with food, first sending food and now teaching them sustainable agriculture. This project is one of Elisa’s as a new member of the SD board. The group wondered about supporting this project rather than YUM.
Announcements: Rosalyn: doing well. Her leg is 100% load bearing, PT to learn it. Tablet that group is giving is paid for. It will be set up so she can do Caring Bridge, etc. personally.
Regional News [chair]: Michael re insurance. The Region is dealing with Seattle and Portland which may change our group’s insurance as well. Seattle AirBnB is paying their own taxes. Last heard from Sherwin, there is no longer a problem about insurance. Seattle has worked out a lot of their problems with property taxes.
Helpers Report: Helper news. Nadia will test whether she should be a helper again. Roosmiwati announced that Helaine isn’t ready to come back to latihan yet.
Old Business: House repairs. We need front door keys made and extra mailbox keys, which Michael will make. A mailbox key is now hanging on the bulletin board.
Wall around window. Robina’s repairman could look at the wall tomorrow at 3:30 PM. Michael will meet him here. Michael will ask if the region will return to us the money spent on the quick and dirty repair.
Cats: Michael trapped one of the four kittens and took him to ASPCA. The group agreed to not feed the remaining cats in the future longer than two more weeks.
Bird Walk? Its time has passed both because of lack of people to work on it and to come to it, so it was decided that we will not have one in 2019.
New Business: Possibility of having Wednesday latihan in Bellingham area. Robina is researching it and will let the members know next time.
Upcoming meetings: The next meeting will be Sunday, October 28th. It will be a combination kedjiwaan mini-business meeting.
Michael adjourned the meeting.
Email from Elisa Sunflower on October 20, 2018 regarding SD donation for the group:
Hi Serena,
Please share this email with Michael and everyone else in the Skagit Valley group. I checked into the status of YUM. It is, in fact, doing well. We continue to support it but it has other sources as well. The Skagit Valley group is one of the most long-lived monthly donors to Susila Dharma. And if you decide to go earmark your donation to a different project or to the general funds, we are grateful for your faithful support. If you look at our website, and look at our projects there are many to support. There is also an endowment fund, which could support projects with earned interest as well. It’s truly up to you! Thank you for all your years of generosity and sharing the spirit of the latihan.
Much love, Elisa.
I will see you at Menucha if you are coming!
We hope to see you at this Saturday’s 11 AM latihan with pot luck and meeting to follow. We hope to keep this meeting brief and to the point.
Serena for the committee