Your friendly neighborhood (regional) Dewan met on August 9 to discuss Subud business in the region and this is part of what happened:

Center Reports: Seattle
Honora gave the report on Seattle. Seattle talked about doing some advertising for the Great Create in their Region so that people understood when it was happening. Hariana (Chilstrom), their newsletter editor, was asked to write something up in the newsletter about the Great Create. For the Seattle House report, Honora stated Marston had started some painting outside on the railings and the woodwork on the outside of the House. He has longstanding plans for more repairs in future. He is so efficient he has plans right into 2018. She reported everything is going really well.
Seattle has some events coming up. A volunteer celebration is planned for October 15th. It started out to be a party honoring someone who has done amazing work for the greater Seattle community, and it turned into an event celebrating everybody who spent time on the Committee, everyone who spent time being a Helper – anybody who gives energy to the group.
A general meeting has also been planned for the whole Seattle area. The time has still to be determined to make sure it occurs at a time when everybody can attend. She is hoping that there can be a Regional Helper visit in the near future. The Committee and the Helpers will decide what is working for everybody and then the Regional Helpers can be invited.
Lorraine Tedrow had a lovely idea to start celebrating everybody’s birthday, one day a month, and she has started organizing that just to bring life back into their House. It came from really great testing when they all received to have lots of fun.