Subud Portland would like to send out a very big thank you to every one of our Subud USA members who helped to make our Silent Auction Fundraiser for Susila Dharma USA at Menucha a true success again this year. Several members brought items with them from long distances to add to our more locally-originated donations, and Menucha attendees donated generously to produce a total income from the auction of $1,122.30. That money will go directly into Portland’s accumulation fund that hopefully will produce our annual $5,000.00 matching fund that we have posted for SD USA over the last few years. This matching fund typically triples its value as a result of the generosity of the responders to the match.
Matching funds are a key part of the fundraising that goes on by Susila Dharma USA all year. Over the last 4 years, grant requests from its twenty plus projects have averaged a bit over $97,000.00 each year. Unfortunately, we are unable to fund these grant requests completely, but because our Subud USA members give so generously, we are able to fund them to a significant level.
Deepest thanks again and again! One last reminder – please look for your letter from SD USA announcing its Fall Fundraiser campaign. It should have arrived in your mailbox during the first week of November. And please, start saving up those treasures again for next year’s silent auction at Menucha!
Sincerely, Marilyn Schirk and SD Forum