From August 7, 2018 and Serena DuBois:

Rosalyn Neal (Photo by Marius Hibbard)

Michael and I had a great visit with Rosalyn today. She was very up mentally, but tired physically due to a lot of Physical Therapy [PT] before we go there late in the afternoon. I don’t know who knows what on this list so I’ll recap and hope it covers all bases, since I see some names not on the previous list.

She was moved from Skagit Valley Medical Center on Saturday, July 28th after the hit and run accident to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, where they operated first on Sunday [right leg 3 breaks] and again on Tuesday [pelvis]. Several bones, clavicle for one have to heal on their own. She was there till last Saturday or Sunday when a room became available at Providence Mount St. Vincent, in the Transitional Care Unit, address 4831 – 35th Ave. Seattle, WA 98126. That is in West Seattle, not far from the bridge. She is in room 503 [I think. Didn’t write room down]. Phone there is 206-937-3700. She has her cell 360-949-2577. She has a roommate who goes to sleep early so 9:30 PM for phone calls, but later if you text [send cell messages]. She doesn’t have email set up on her phone yet, but when she does the email she uses is her gmail:
Our niece Sara came last Friday with her daughter whose homeschool friend was in a play in Bellingham. Sara and going on 7 year old Alvie have seen Rosalyn several times during the 3 or 4 days they’ve been in town. Several local Subud people also visited both at the Harborview hospital and the rehab hospital. Michael and I drove down Tuesday to deliver various things she needed and paperwork from the Mt. Vernon police department for her to sign.
The policeman in charge told Michael that the accident had been captured on a camera at the school across the street, and they are close to arresting the perpatrator. Rosalyn and I spent most of our time there preparing her August bills for mailing. A good job mostly done. She said she’s beginning to sit on the side of the bed and, I believe, in the wheel chair. She was definitely alert and very much on top of the business we did.
A heavy week will keep Michael and me from going back till next weekend, but I know she welcomes visitors. She or I will let you know when her email is working. If any local person who knows iPhones can drop by and help her she would probably love it.
Rosalyn Neal Update
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