by Oswald Norton Congress Chair
On Sunday, May 20 th, 2022, at the Subud PNW Portland facility, over 80 Subud members from Portland and throughout the region gathered for our first in person regional latihan in 4 years. This latihan was also available to members remotely via our usual service used for phone in latihans. These latihans were followed by testing with all members wishing to partake regarding the gifts we have received through the latihan, the meaning of the congress and our roles in participating.
The latihan was followed by a buffet lunch provided by members of Subud Portland through the organization efforts of Morris McClellan and his team.
We had a 10-minute quiet time before we started the business portion of our congress at 1pm. Thirty members from throughout the region stayed for the business session, while 20 members were able to join online using the Zoom application.
We began with reports on the state of our centers and region from our centers in Portland, Seattle, Olympia and Bellingham/Skagit Valley. This was followed by reports from Regional Helpers and a Treasurer’s Report from our treasurer of the last 10 years, Sherwin O’Bar.
Our outgoing Chair, Hadijah O’Bar presented her report on our region just before the testing for Chair and then Vice chair. She emphasized the need for us to be willing, as a region, to examine the changes we need to make in order to continue serving our members in the coming term. Her fervent hope was that we would select a chair for the coming term that would be able to lead us through that process.

Latham Stack – Selected new Chair for Subud PNW
The testing for chair of the region was positive for Latham Stack, who was willing to have us vote on his candidacy, after asking for his wife’s support. The vote was unanimous and Latham was selected as the Chair for Subud PNW for the coming 2-year term.
Vice Chair Position – testing continues
The testing for vice chair yielded two candidates who were not present, but were willing to test with helpers within the next 2 weeks on their ability to serve the region. Testing for Vice Chair with current candidates is currently in process. Once it is completed the regional helpers will report back on the results. If both candidates received ‘NO’ regarding standing for chair, the regional helpers will organize a search for candidates who are willing to complete the testing until we have a viable candidate. If one of the candidates tests positive, the regional helpers will submit these results to Nirel so that she might create an email asking the members to vote on this candidate.
Nirel Jackson – Selected new Chair for Regional Congress in two years
The last important business for us to attend to was the selection of the chair for our next Regional Congress, two years from now. Nirel Jackson and Jim O’Halloran volunteered to be candidates. Nirel was selected by majority vote to be the chair.
Opening on the New Committee for Secretary
Latham Stack will need our help and support in his coming term. Once the vice chair is selected, he will still need a secretary. I urge you to contact Latham if you are willing to serve in this position.
With Gratitude to…
- The Subud PNW Portland Center, and to its committee, for being willing to host our meeting and arrange for us to have a lunch.
- Our outgoing chair, Hadijah O’Bar for her extended 4-year term serving our region.
- Our outgoing treasurer, Sherwin O’Bar for his service these last 10 years.
- The Communications Team of Morris McClellan and Nirel Jackson for their time and effort in making it possible for members throughout the region to attend virtually through the Zoom application. And to Philip Lindstrom for his help in administering the zoom portion of the meeting along with Nirel.
- Our Regional Helpers – Rosalyn Neel, Margarite Charney, Elisa Sunflower for the women and David Lynch, Albert Palmeter and Leonard Dixon for the men – for their 4 years of service, and possibly beyond if they are able to extend to the next Subud International Congress in 2024.
- My wife Rayma Norton for her support throughout my efforts to try and provide a satisfying congress for the region.
NOTE: After Ramon, Recording Secretary of the Regional Congress has received all written reports from attendees, he will compile them into the final official congress report. This is intended to just be a summary.